
What you see is what you get.

The Fifty-Word Bio

As an undergraduate, Maarten van Emden studied electrical engineering, mathematics, statistics, and finally discovered programming. He held research positions at the IBM T.J. Watson Laboratory and the University of Edinburgh. At the Universities of Waterloo and Victoria in Canada, he has been teaching and doing research in programming.

The Hundred-Word Bio

After undergraduate work in electrical engineering and mathematics, Maarten van Emden completed his PhD thesis at the University of Amsterdam in information theory and data analysis. His work on sorting algorithms led to a postdoctoral year at the IBM T.J. Watson research laboratory. He then joined the Department of Machine Intelligence at the University of Edinburgh, where he became involved in the development of logic programming. In Canada, at the universities of Waterloo and Victoria, he has taught and published in logic programming, artificial intelligence, and software engineering. His current work is in the history and principles of computing and programming languages.

The Five-Hundred-Word Bio

(omitted by popular demand)

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